Neil Jones from GB wins Interglide 2021
  • 1st Niel Jones
Congratulations to Neil Jones who thouroghly deserved the win.

Many of the F5J Eurotours scheduled for 2021 have been cancelled or postponed but UK regulations permitted this sort of event so we decided to go ahead with Interglide this year as a Eurotour in spite of Covid travel restrictions making it almost impossible for any of our overseas friends to attend. 

However, Covid had another trick up its sleeve by causing some of our best pilots to be 'pinged' just before the competition so forcing them to isolate and withdraw. 

The Great British weather also decided to play tricks by ending the hot spell with a forecast of thunderstorms over the whole weekend. As it turned out the day of practise and setting up on Friday was sunny but windy. Early Saturday morning was greeted with thunder and lightening but when flying commenced the sun came out and the winds dropped to very light and variable. Six rounds were completed followed by a BBQ in the hanger on Saturday evening.

Sunday also began sunny and calm but during the final rounds in the morning the cloud bubbled up and flying was punctuated by the occasional heavy rain shower which slowed up progress. The afternoon fly off was reduced to two rounds and partly took place under the threat of a very heavy black cloud which made visibility very difficult.

Neil Jones was the only pilot capable of achieving a good score in these conditions so justifiably won the fly off. A very popular victory as Neil also provided some generous sponsorship from his company Flightech


The British Association of Radio Controlled Soarers (BARCS) arranged for the inaugural Interglide in 1982. It was styled “World Interglide” and was organised by the Coventry Club as part of the BARCS 10th anniversary celebrations.